That draft version's text is perhaps better? But the photo got something wrong; it is not so good. Perhaps I forgot a manual setting on and that was not the correct one. But never mind, here we go.
Also looked differend meanings from Internet for "dry":
adj. dri·er (drr) or dry·er, dri·est (drst) or dry·est 1. Free from liquid or moisture: changed to dry clothes. 2. Having or characterized by little or no rain: a dry climate. 3. Marked by the absence of natural or normal moisture: a dry month. 4. Not under water: dry land. 5. Having all the water or liquid drained away, evaporated, or exhausted: a dry river. 6. No longer yielding liquid, especially milk: a dry cow. 7. Lacking a mucous or watery discharge: a dry cough. 8. Not shedding tears: dry sobs. 9. Needing or desiring drink; thirsty: a dry mouth. 10. No longer wet: The paint is dry. 11. Of or relating to solid rather than liquid substances or commodities: dry weight. 12. Not sweet as a result of the decomposition of sugar during fermentation. Used of wines. 13. Having a large proportion of strong liquor to other ingredients: a dry martini. 14. Eaten or served without butter, gravy, or other garnish: dry toast; dry meat. 15. Having no adornment or coloration; plain: the dry facts. 16. Devoid of bias or personal concern: presented a dry critique. 17. a. Lacking tenderness, warmth, or involvement; severe: The actor gave a dry reading of the lines. b. Matter-of-fact or indifferent in manner: rattled off the facts in a dry mechanical tone. 18. Wearisome; dull: a dry lecture filled with trivial details. 19. Humorous or sarcastic in a shrewd, impersonal way: dry wit. 20. Prohibiting or opposed to the sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages: a dry county. 21. Unproductive of the expected results: a mind dry of new ideas. 22. Constructed without mortar or cement: dry masonry.
A dry day -- poet cannot say a word because a hoarse throat
Here in T&T we do not have a climatic season of Spring. Actually we are in
our Dry Season and culturally Carnival Season. For my response to today's
Haiku about New Year (18)
*Rebirth Story to Celebrate the New Year 2025*
*A Rebirth Story at Kai-no- Sawa*
The rebirth story dates back to 1968, when Sekiya Haruo (関谷春雄、1...
Dear Haiku Friends
Look out for the reopening of Caribbean Kigo Kukai, offering one Kukai this
year to celebrate International Haiku Poetry Day.
Here's one for you:
My friend and painting buddy Larry was over today and he starting saying
something to me before I was in earshot. So I started harangu...
The mango on the floor
serves as a delicious banquet
for the brave coati.
A manga no chão
é delícia de banquete
ao bravo quati.
img - by Daniel Rocke...
Cara Menghilangkan Jerawat dan Bekasnya
Cara Menghilangkan Jerawat dan Bekasnya - Jerawat dapat menjadi kondisi
yang sangat menjengkelkan karena jerawat menyakitkan dan tidak menarik. Ini
adalah ...
Haiku Koo-Koo 2014 (26)
Icicles dripping Coating the side door’s handle Winter keeping me Another
cold day Side-roads slick and slippery Speed on the freeway Frosted white
write me
i will be off-blog
for a while
for a long while maybe
i will add publication credits
if there is one
or it may stay as it is
write me
i will write YOU back
horse-shit mountain
chrysanthemum blooming
horse-shit mountain...
one scene
kiku saku ya ma-guso yama mo hito keshiki
by Issa, 1813
Translated by David , http:...
hmmm...declared a "dry day"? :)
INn India dry day means when no alcohol is sold at the liquor shops. Even the bars do not serve
liquor on a dry day,
lovely path...i would love to walk :)
I see; the same meaning in use in Finland, too.
(By this path there is sometimes people having beer and smoking, but not at this moment.)
There is a draft version:
i like the draft version a little more...especially the photo :)
That draft version's text is perhaps better? But the photo got something wrong; it is not so good. Perhaps I forgot a manual setting on and that was not the correct one. But never mind, here we go.
Also looked differend meanings from Internet for "dry":
adj. dri·er (drr) or dry·er, dri·est (drst) or dry·est
1. Free from liquid or moisture: changed to dry clothes.
2. Having or characterized by little or no rain: a dry climate.
3. Marked by the absence of natural or normal moisture: a dry month.
4. Not under water: dry land.
5. Having all the water or liquid drained away, evaporated, or exhausted: a dry river.
6. No longer yielding liquid, especially milk: a dry cow.
7. Lacking a mucous or watery discharge: a dry cough.
8. Not shedding tears: dry sobs.
9. Needing or desiring drink; thirsty: a dry mouth.
10. No longer wet: The paint is dry.
11. Of or relating to solid rather than liquid substances or commodities: dry weight.
12. Not sweet as a result of the decomposition of sugar during fermentation. Used of wines.
13. Having a large proportion of strong liquor to other ingredients: a dry martini.
14. Eaten or served without butter, gravy, or other garnish: dry toast; dry meat.
15. Having no adornment or coloration; plain: the dry facts.
16. Devoid of bias or personal concern: presented a dry critique.
a. Lacking tenderness, warmth, or involvement; severe: The actor gave a dry reading of the lines.
b. Matter-of-fact or indifferent in manner: rattled off the facts in a dry mechanical tone.
18. Wearisome; dull: a dry lecture filled with trivial details.
19. Humorous or sarcastic in a shrewd, impersonal way: dry wit.
20. Prohibiting or opposed to the sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages: a dry county.
21. Unproductive of the expected results: a mind dry of new ideas.
22. Constructed without mortar or cement: dry masonry.
A dry day --
poet cannot say a word
because a hoarse throat
Oh! But you have written so much about a little word :)
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