needing a dry path --
the day off
smile for happiness
for peace and prosperity -
Ms Olive's wish
*© gillena cox 2025*
Thursday Art and Dinner: Faces In T...
3 hours ago
hmmm...declared a "dry day"? :)
INn India dry day means when no alcohol is sold at the liquor shops. Even the bars do not serve
liquor on a dry day,
lovely path...i would love to walk :)
I see; the same meaning in use in Finland, too.
(By this path there is sometimes people having beer and smoking, but not at this moment.)
There is a draft version:
i like the draft version a little more...especially the photo :)
That draft version's text is perhaps better? But the photo got something wrong; it is not so good. Perhaps I forgot a manual setting on and that was not the correct one. But never mind, here we go.
Also looked differend meanings from Internet for "dry":
adj. dri·er (drr) or dry·er, dri·est (drst) or dry·est
1. Free from liquid or moisture: changed to dry clothes.
2. Having or characterized by little or no rain: a dry climate.
3. Marked by the absence of natural or normal moisture: a dry month.
4. Not under water: dry land.
5. Having all the water or liquid drained away, evaporated, or exhausted: a dry river.
6. No longer yielding liquid, especially milk: a dry cow.
7. Lacking a mucous or watery discharge: a dry cough.
8. Not shedding tears: dry sobs.
9. Needing or desiring drink; thirsty: a dry mouth.
10. No longer wet: The paint is dry.
11. Of or relating to solid rather than liquid substances or commodities: dry weight.
12. Not sweet as a result of the decomposition of sugar during fermentation. Used of wines.
13. Having a large proportion of strong liquor to other ingredients: a dry martini.
14. Eaten or served without butter, gravy, or other garnish: dry toast; dry meat.
15. Having no adornment or coloration; plain: the dry facts.
16. Devoid of bias or personal concern: presented a dry critique.
a. Lacking tenderness, warmth, or involvement; severe: The actor gave a dry reading of the lines.
b. Matter-of-fact or indifferent in manner: rattled off the facts in a dry mechanical tone.
18. Wearisome; dull: a dry lecture filled with trivial details.
19. Humorous or sarcastic in a shrewd, impersonal way: dry wit.
20. Prohibiting or opposed to the sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages: a dry county.
21. Unproductive of the expected results: a mind dry of new ideas.
22. Constructed without mortar or cement: dry masonry.
A dry day --
poet cannot say a word
because a hoarse throat
Oh! But you have written so much about a little word :)
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