Sunday, May 22, 2011

I took this photo when I was bicycling and stopped when I saw the dandelions blossoming.

dandelions swarms -
world's end

Thursday, May 19, 2011

This one I sent to Japan-EU English Haiku Contest in Facebook:

also our dandelion
as bright as the sun

(桜咲く - sakura saku - cherry blossom)

- Japan-EU English Haiku Contest...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

No way to
tell you anything
more than
this one.

I got The Collected Poems of Robert Creeley 1975 - 2005. Thank you Amazon! I had already his Collected 1945-1975. This one is from Robert Creeley's Windows (1990).

Next one is my comment for that photo I took when seated near Hyde Park Corner a week ago. I was just listening.

Two pigeons

Labels: Robert Creeley, Hyde Park Corner, EU

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

silent forest

a crow caws twice

then silence

This one is a variation, or a follow-up for my earlier themes...

Thursday, May 12, 2011

a humming wind
but I do not remember

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

on my bare head
this empty

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

All that water
flowing in the river -
a drinking fish?

Monday, May 09, 2011

This is a combination from some sources; one idea from one, another idea somewhere else. Whether this a senryu, or not, is a trivial problem, I think.

man looks out the window -
an useless courtyard

Ps. My calendar says it is a Europe-day. Finland ought to support Portugal (as we have supported Iceland's and Greekland's...) My opinion is that we are stupid. Who is laughing? Deutche Bank? Banks in Spain? Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. ?-(

Sunday, May 08, 2011

This picture is "borrowed" from Tenzin Tsundue's Kora, stories and poems.

And this is part of the poem from page 11:

I didn't know
if I was there or here.
I didn't know
if I was here or there.

They say the kyang
come here every winter.

They say the kyang
go there every summer.

(Kyang - wild ass found in herds in Changthang (northern plains) of Tibet and Ladakh.)

Saturday, May 07, 2011

Young boy coughing
a cigarette in his mouth -
dusty spring

Sunday, May 01, 2011

sudden hailstorm
expected the asphalt
blooming, too

We got some hail yesterday, and when the hails melted the streets were undusty.

There is a similar text I wrote some years ago, where a gentle spring rain tried to get asphalt streets blossoming. .-)