Wednesday, September 27, 2017

river's other side
listening at noon
how the time flows


Magyar said...

time's river
at the speed of life's rain
a new crop

__ But then, time's speeding river can wear life away.

Tikkis said...

Thanks _m. For me this muddy river of ours is too near? This year I was not visiting Lapland and Deatnu. (Deatnu, sabmi word meaning simply Big River. Teno in Finnish.) Now it is getting dark, and soon there will be snow and ice and colder. Several times watched Deatnu flowing towards the Barents Sea. Calmly. Strongly. Not speaking. Just flowing, not asking anyone anything....

Something familiar with a human life, sometimes, a while?

Magyar said...

__ On my blog today, I posted another time river thought: at least our rivers are still "full and flowing." Smiles. _m

Magyar said...

__ If you have abandoned your blog, Tikkis, I'll miss your posts as I have since this last one of yours was shown. In case you visit here, I wish you and your relatives and friends, a grand holiday season! _m

Tikkis said...

Still alive! I have some English texts but no-one seems to be good enough?

Writer wondering
whether write with a pen
or just a pencil?

And thanks for your message!